Thursday, January 16, 2014

Master Closet Clean Up

So we all do it. We make over the entire house before we worry about the master bedroom or the master closet. Well I decided 2014 is going to be about the master bedroom. In 2012 we did Brittany's room. In 2013 we did Adyson's room and finished it about 2 weeks ago. Now its time for me to work on the master!

I LOVE the size of my closet. I LOVE MY CLOSET, did I say that already? I just hate that we didn't have the money to do anything with the master closet. We could not afford a fancy closet organizer. So we put up a wire rack at each end of the closet. Then we shoved dressers in there, and called it a day. So I am making the best of the closet and the space it gives me!  The pictures posted below are so EMBARRASSING!!! I took them to tell the truth about what the closet looked like before the clean up!


Left Side                                                                                Middle
 Oh did you notice all those little boxes on the top shelf? I'm sure you have a few of them hid somewhere you know the ones I'm talking about. The small digital camera that you bought 3 years ago, that you no longer have, but for some reason still have the box? Or the other electronics boxes you have BUT don't even have(use or the warranty has run out) the product anymore. I had 4 of those boxes in my closet.

                                                         Right side...

Yes you see an empty coffee creamer bottle on top of my dresser. You are right again, you do see an empty bottle of Mr. Bubbles in an empty coffee can. The reason for this is well... I'm lazy for not taking them to the recycle where it belongs and I was keeping certain containers so I could reuse them. Why are the dresser drawers not shut? Ummm... because I was lazy? No No No that's not it, I couldn't or wouldn't fold the clothes right and SHOVE them into the drawers. You see when you shove clothes into drawers most of the time you can't close the drawers afterwards. Then I just gave up trying to close them altogether! So you noticed my Bath & Body Works bag huh? Yep I still have 7 candles left from the Semi-Annual Sale in June!!!

So the first thing I did was clean my closet. I actually put stuff where it belongs. The containers in the recycle. Boxes in the recycle, etc.

Then I went through the clothes in the dresser... This was a little time consuming. But I kept the rule in my head. IF IT DOES NOT FIT DO NOT KEEP IT. My problem is I am SUPER skinny, so when I gain weight I'm excited! I was excited to try on clothes to have them be too tight! But if you are one of those who fluctuate in weight then KEEP your clothes! So there is also 1 more rule, IF YOU HAVE NOT WORN IT IN 2 YEARS TOSS IT!!! If you scroll back up and look at the LEFT SIDE picture, in the upper left hand corner there is a rack of office clothes. Since I gained weight 2/3 of this wardrobe went. PLUS since I had not worn any of it in 5 years, I tried on every piece and what didn't fit went.

 Now that all the clothes have been gone through, I tried on EVERYTHING on the hangers next. Keeping the rules in mind.
- If it does not fit, do not keep it.
- If you have not worn it in 2 years, toss it


Left Side...                                                                        Middle...

  Right Side...                                                                  Bottom of Right/Middle...

Oh you say something is off about the right side??? You are absolutely right. I cleared out so many clothes that I didn't need the dresser anymore. I hung up everything that stayed. I had so much room left over on the left side after nothing fit...I was able to put what did fit from the dresser on to hangers! So I pulled the dresser out of my closet. To take some clutter out of the master bedroom I pulled my makeup table into the closet! I love having my table in the closet!!! Please keep in mind this took about 3-4 days to complete. I took my time organizing, cleaning, vacuuming, etc.

Questions comments or concerns leave them below! 

I am feeling very accomplished!!!

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