Saturday, November 2, 2013

Week 44

                    So I hope everyone had a great Halloween. Had a great time at the Fall Festival last week in Franklin TN. I am trying to get out in the community more. So if any of you hear of  anything in middle Tennessee feel free to comment below! I would like to have a better grasp of what my communities around me have to offer. So I went to a craft fair and looked around and got several different magazines from the community. I got on Facebook and liked all the pages I could find. I also found a local farm that sells HONEY!!! I have been looking for someone who sells local honey for a long time.

Its been a slow week here. Resting after the crud from last week. Preparing for Halloween this week. Adyson decided she wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle- Donnatello again. The rest of us didn't dress up this year. Which is a little odd for us, because we LOVE Halloween. This year the weather was not very good. Getting cold this year quick! I have already gotten out my winter woolies, and had to turn on the heat once.

                REVIEW- So I am so far pleased to announce I made my decision about vacuums. After watching the infomercial about the Shark Rotator Lift-Away (red & white in color) I did pay extra for the caddy and home/car detail kit. I got the vacuum and put it together. Everything snapped together, no screws! I had to use it but I used my old Hoover first, then used my new Shark! Look at what the Shark picked up AFTER I had already vacuumed with the old (new as of January so its only 10 months old).
I like all the features and accessories. I LOVE being able to lift-away and take it to the cars to detail them. Set the canister on the seat and vacuum the inside of the cars. Its great! My favorite part is 5 YEAR WARRANTY!!!

On the left is the Shark, on the right is Hoover. Look at how much the Shark picked up AFTER I had vacuumed with my Hoover.

So last week I started trying a homemade dishwasher soap. So far its ok, but it doesn't do well on greasy/nasty stuff. So I am going to tweak it and let you know about the revised version in a couple weeks.

Oh guess what else I bought this week and LOVE??? I did go buy a little 2 qt slow cooker to make breakfasts!!! You can slow cook oatmeal, breakfast casseroles, etc!!! I loved being able to wake up to a HOT & COOKED breakfast. It was fabulous!!!
Its so cute and little! 

CRAFTS & FAMILY TIME- We started our Christmas crafts this week. We did the SNOWMAN  ornaments  and snowflakes. The whole family enjoyed it!


BUGS- So in Tennessee this time of the year we get over whelmed with Asian Lady Beetles. I went to town and ran my errands and came home to the invasion. So they invaded within a few hours.

The outside of my house near the garage
These ladies decided to come INSIDE my backdoor

Inside my backdoor

So I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. I will see everyone next week!

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