Then Adyson and I had the crud for a few days. Let germ season begin! I have added an extra vitamin C & D tablet to my diet along with B complex. I have been watching a lot of Dr. Oz lately I love his shows. I like the new up to date medical information he gives. So I am going to try his immune system booster.
Doctor Oz
( I AM NOT A DOCTOR, I AM NOT ENDORSING ANY PRODUCT. This is simply the diary of my life that I am sharing with you, and where I got my information. Please do your own research!)
I have to tell you we bought a new Linksys wireless router a few weeks ago. I really like it so far. It can handle 7+ devices at a time and comes with the option of a Guest Network with its own password! Also has PARENTAL CONTROLS!!! Seems to be working great for us!
I also LOVE the body scrub I found on Pinterest a few months back. I thought I had put it into a post earlier but can't seem to find it. I have been using this scrub since spring/summer started. I love it and have since started using it all over my body every couple days and so far this fall/winter season I have not had to use lotion! Just remember this is an oil based scrub so your shower/tub will be EXTREMELY slippery when you rinse.
I also LOVE the facial toner I made during week-20-21-22. So I haven't bought facial toner since! I love the smell and the way it feels! I'm 1 step closer to a chemical free life!
IOS7- still not working correctly. As you remember from Septembers Blog I was having issues with Photo Stream. I have uninstalled everything, reinstalled everything, signed in and out of everything. Turned permissions on and off. I am getting very frustrated with everything. Still no luck! Anyone else having issues with Photo Stream? OH and the newest update 7.0.3 still didn't fix the issue!!!!
I also LOVE the body scrub I found on Pinterest a few months back. I thought I had put it into a post earlier but can't seem to find it. I have been using this scrub since spring/summer started. I love it and have since started using it all over my body every couple days and so far this fall/winter season I have not had to use lotion! Just remember this is an oil based scrub so your shower/tub will be EXTREMELY slippery when you rinse.
I also LOVE the facial toner I made during week-20-21-22. So I haven't bought facial toner since! I love the smell and the way it feels! I'm 1 step closer to a chemical free life!
IOS7- still not working correctly. As you remember from Septembers Blog I was having issues with Photo Stream. I have uninstalled everything, reinstalled everything, signed in and out of everything. Turned permissions on and off. I am getting very frustrated with everything. Still no luck! Anyone else having issues with Photo Stream? OH and the newest update 7.0.3 still didn't fix the issue!!!!
Movie reviews- I didn't rent any movies last week because I caught the crud last week. It's that time of the year to start taking your vitamins and drinking your orange juice! Oh it was horrible last week sinus infections kick my butt! The it turns into the chest congestion from the nasal drainage, yuck! So I used the entire stock pile of tissues, that's right all 10 boxes! My poor nose was redder then Rudolph.
FARM HAPPENINGS- there was a death on the farm last week. Adysons chicken went to heaven. She broke her leg. Adyson took the news better then I thought. It went something like this-
Me- Mommy has some bad news to tell you. Chicken Girl went to heaven last night. Since she is in heaven now she is not in pain anymore.
Adyson- OOOOOHHHHHH NNNNNOOOOO! Mommy I didn't say goodbye to Chicken Girl. (she has a sad, pouty face. She thinks this over for a few minutes) so mommy when are we getting new chickens?
ME- well I'm glad you want more chickens but we have to wait until after Christmas and then your birthday before we get more chickens.
Adyson- I get to pick them out right? And I want to paint the chicken coop with rainbows.
READING - I'm still working on Angels & Demons. Since I wasn't up to snuff last week all I did was relax so I'm behind, I know! What are you reading?
Find me on
HOMEMADE- Since being sick last week. I am stepping up the whole foods/healthy foods in our house! As most of you know I do not buy "boxed" dinners. I am working on getting the rest of the processed foods out of my house.
So I am excited to announce that I have FINALLY used up all my couponing, stockpiled dishwasher tabs!!! I found a recipe on Pinterest about making your own dishwasher soap. It uses simple stuff from around the house (well their around my house) So hopefully you can make some too! If you have made homemade laundry soap you should have most of the stuff on hand.
So I am excited to announce that I have FINALLY used up all my couponing, stockpiled dishwasher tabs!!! I found a recipe on Pinterest about making your own dishwasher soap. It uses simple stuff from around the house (well their around my house) So hopefully you can make some too! If you have made homemade laundry soap you should have most of the stuff on hand.
3 cups Borax
3 cups washing soda
1 cup Epson salt ( I got a big 10 lb bag at Sams Club for around $8)
1/2 cup citric acid. (don't freak out, I found it in the canning isle of the grocery store. I used this in place of the "lemonade packets" or Lemi-Shine rinse aid called for in most recipes) around $3-$4.
1/2 cup citric acid. (don't freak out, I found it in the canning isle of the grocery store. I used this in place of the "lemonade packets" or Lemi-Shine rinse aid called for in most recipes) around $3-$4.

Mix all ingredients together. Use 1-1.5tbs per load! PLEASE BE AWARE IT MAY HARDEN IF NOT STIRRED EVERYDAY. You can break it up and still use it. Or you can get little ice cube trays and pour powder into trays & let sit out for 2-3 days to harden. Just remember to buy to use trays that have small enough cubes so they fit properly in your dishwasher & a container big enough to handle all the tablets!
So far I like it! I've only used it a few times so it's going to be reviewed again in a few weeks once I give it a good & dirty test!
CRAFTS- With Christmas coming I have lots of crafts planned for Adyson to do! Thanks to Pinterest I would love to do Adyson's hand in the clay and bake it. I also love the idea of the Snowman Orniments. There is so many. But I REFUSE to push the holidays. So we wont be starting any Christmas crafts until after Halloween. I just can't wait.
Hope everyone has a great week! See you next time!
CRAFTS- With Christmas coming I have lots of crafts planned for Adyson to do! Thanks to Pinterest I would love to do Adyson's hand in the clay and bake it. I also love the idea of the Snowman Orniments. There is so many. But I REFUSE to push the holidays. So we wont be starting any Christmas crafts until after Halloween. I just can't wait.
Hope everyone has a great week! See you next time!