Friday, January 18, 2013

Week 4

Everything this week is going well. I had a mishap this morning with my extra freezer in the garage, IT QUIT. So I've been bringing in food & reorganizing the kitchen freezer (again) so I can fit all the food in there! My apologies for being late in writing my blog.

1-Still haven't touched a smoke!!!

2- family time is working PERFECTLY. I love having the kids to talk to while I cook.

3- anyone got any ideas for a 4 year old room? Still haven't found anything I like.

4-Eat Healthier- started making my own bread! Thus way I know EXACTLY what goes into it!

5-Dying for spring to get here! I want up be outside so bad!

6- Reading more- read a couple of canning & preserving books. that sounds like a lot of work! I also read Self Sufficiency by Abigail R. Gehring this book has awesome ideas, recipes & even activities for little children to do & over 400 pages. This book provides advise, tips & more! I am BUYING this book!

7- Brain Games- I'm addicted to Logic Games, it's a free app in the App Store. It's kind of like Sudoku. I also found Ruzzler in the App Store (free)but you have to play against someone, (you can purchase the app to play alone)my screen name is cpappleby if anyone wants to play! It's like a word find game! I also love Chain of Thought, it's great!!!! Can't forget my favorite app Sudoku!! Oh did I mention my 4 yr old is addicted to Flow Free. It's helping her match colors and use her brain to figure out the path, without crossing over another path!

8- I'm still blogging!

9- positive thinking - this has really changed the way I view & do things. Staying positive is probably the hardest thing to focus on. No matter how bad my day is going, just thinking that today is not permanent. I choose what happens!

10-still working on a craft. We have done a little if the planter sticks to label the plants in the kitchen.

11-music- hasn't gone well this week. I've been reading so many books on canning and preserving.

12- no chemicals- making bread & coffee creamer. They taste so much better then store bought!

13. Gardening- taking a challenge this week. I'm going to see if I can grow African Violet shoots! I'm going to try it!
I researched them & supposedly if you cut off a branch/stem with a leaf attached, then cut leaf in half. Then cut stem down to 1 inch below leaf. Place stem in pot mix up to the leaf, then put plastic bag over it to create greenhouse effect. In 4-6 weeks you should see shoots and then transplant to its permanent home.

Sorry this isn't more in depth, but trying to deal with a freezer not working didn't help me today. Next week will be more exciting.

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