I know its been a MONTH since I last posted but life got away from me the month of February. It was a whirl wind of appointments and dentist appointments and Aunt Nancy came back for 10 days, Adyson's birthday party, my birthday, my mothers birthday, grandfathers birthday, etc... Oh did I mention all my baby goats (kids) were born last month too?
So Aunt Nancy made the decision to go back to Washington. We miss her already. She had a great trip to Texas. She came back to Tennessee to wrap up a few things and have eye surgery (which went very well). She was only here 10 days. It already seems so long ago. My how time does fly when you are busy.
Adyson started out the month sick with a nasty upper respiratory infection. Which resulted in 3 visits to the doctor. She was put on breathing treatments every 6 hours for 7 days. Brittany has had a few check up appointments and orthodontic appointments as well. I am hoping March will be a calmer month!
Adyson's birthday party was wonderful. She had such a hard time deciding the theme of her party. She FINALLY decided on My Little Pony. I made everyone's favorite meal, CHILI!!! Everyone had a great time!
Her icecream sundae from CHILIs |
Her Donatello wall sticker for her birthday! |
Adysons 5th Birthday Fav Color- Purple Fav Food- Hot dog w Mac & Cheese When I grow up I want to be a worker like Daddy. |
Adyson and cousin Angelina |
testing out the TMNT gloves! |
showing off her NEW cowgirl boots! |
Then on my birthday this little guy was born! And his mother didn't pay much attention to him. So I had to bottle feed him during the first day. But he and his momma are doing great now! Adyson named him Tailspinner!
Then we came back from library(a few days later) and found these little girls! Doesn't one of the little girls look like her big sister OREO?? It tripped us out for a few minutes when we found them! Brittany named the white little girl Sparkle, Adyson named the black and white Twilight!
Then the next day Brittany found Cloudy! (Her mom is OREO)
Jackie and Brittany stuffing their face with some homemade tacos!!! They couldn't even wait to sit down at the table! (Don't you love Brittany's new hair cut? I do! )
Savings- Just an update on the weekly savings. Remember I am working backward/reverse from everyone else. Week 9 means I have $433 in my Christmas savings account! How much have you saved this year?
Don't forget the
Snow/Rainy day activities so no one gets bored with all the snow days we are having!
What did you do in February?