We did do a test mug! I will up date you on how it came out!! Adyson wrote on it with Sharpie, we put it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. I will test its durability and update you next post!
Adyson is growing up so fast! She wanted to be a big girl and put on nails. Needless to say they lasted about 3 hours.
The babies are getting so big. Everyone is 4 weeks old!!!
I did go to the Belmont Mansion in Nashville last weekend. Oh how I LOVE the Civil War time period!!! I recommend EVERYONE go see the mansions of the South. They are wonderful!
Sorry this is so short. I am working on a more detailed on for later in the week/month! Love you guys! No go out an ENJOY THE TIME YOU HAVE!!!!!
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