Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow/Rain Day Activities...

I know on these snowy, ice cold days the kids get stuck in the house. That leaves you to fill in the gaps. What do you do when the kids holler at you "I'M BORED!" Well the next time the kids say this you, you will be prepared. I always like to have a variety of things especially for the younger crowd, say 5 and younger.

 I will get you set up for the rainy, snowy, ice cold days! You need to have a variety of activities, especially for younger little ones who have a smaller attention span. Its always great to have back up plans for the little ones!

Puzzles- they are a great QUIET thing to do inside. I get my puzzles from the dollar store. I make sure they are puzzles that the kids are into. For example Adyson is into the Ninja Turtles, CARs, etc. So I made sure she had puzzles that match up with what she likes. Makes things easier if it interests the child.

Playing Cards- Yes playing cards. There are MANY games you can play. There is Go Fish, Old Maid, or make something up. Have an imagination! Practice Numbers, Memory game. Even 52 pick up, Adyson gets a kick out of throwing the cards up and counting how many land face up. Practice your adding and subtracting.

Craft- You can always pick a simple craft from my Pinterest Adyson BoardCraft BoardKid Ideas Board
 Most of the crafts require simple items from around your house. Make play dough hand prints, make play dough, water paint. One of my favorites was making soap. Its very simple. The kids had a blast making soap. You can buy soap from most hobby stores. I got 1 set of soap molds for around $3. I also bought soap dye and soap fragrance. Total cost about $15.

Nephew Jackson Soap- With my nephew's soap I went to the dollar store and bought a pack of "sea creatures" and put a sea creature in bottom of the soap molds. He LOVED them!

Halloween Soap- Used orange soap dye. Went to the dollar store and bought a bag of Halloween goodies. Put the goodies in the molds first then slowly poured the soap over. Let them set up over night.

Books- I have a few chapter books that I read to Adyson. I help her imagine the scene, I ask her questions for her comprehension. So she is learning at the same time! She gets it 90% of the time. I let her pick most of the books we read, it seems to hold her attention longer when she picks it out. She starts to guess from the beginning what's going to happen and gets so excited. I can also get her to complete tasks faster when reading a chapter book. For example we get to the end of a chapter, I tell her its bath time. She hurries through bath so I can read the next chapter.
There are TONS of kid books for the iPad, NOOKKindle some of them are FREE!!!!

Movie Day-  Pick out your favorite movies. Make a "special" movie treat together, even if its just apple slices and honey. Stay in your pajamas, whats the harm in getting cozy in your favorite pajamas, fuzzy slippers, favorite blanket and curling up and spending some good quality time together.

 "Craft Kits" - in the craft/art section at the retail stores. I bought a few of them. Adyson LOVED being able to make her own bracelet. The kits cost about $2-$4 each. This created 2 HOURS of fun!! Well worth it in my book.

                                  WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN IT SNOWS? RAINS?

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