Sorry I'm a few weeks behind, I'm traveling again! Weeks 26-29 have gone by too fast.
Does anyone realize we are half way through this year already? Or in shopping terms 159 days til Christmas ?!?! I'm just as shocked as you are, where does the time go? I'm going to review my goals that I posted back in January. Make it Count is where my goals are listed. It's been the biggest challenge just keeping up with day to day life, but worth every moment.
QUIT SMOKING- was my most important goal to accomplish this year. It took me a few tries and attempts. This last time I really had to put my mind to it. I did buy the BLU e-cig to help me. No smell, no smoke, tastes OK. So I'm proud to say I have been cigarette free for almost a WEEK! I'm also proud to say my husband has quit smoking too (he quit first)!
FAMILY TIME-Over the last 6 months we have enjoyed more family time.We don't have to "concentrate" Wow 6 months, time flies when you are having fun! We did our annual party for 4th of July. Hope everyone had a great 4th of July. I made my famous Cajun Chicken Lasagna and my husband lights the fireworks. We had about 40 people come and enjoy the show.
GETTING ORGANIZED- I'm proud to say every room has been organized. I started with the Kitchen in January. In March/April I did my daughter's room. The living room and dining room, well there's nothing to organize. I'm thankful I had the time to do all the little projects this year.
EAT HEALTHY- Meal planning hasn't worked yet (especially) through the summer. I am finding TONS of healthier choices about food. I love the one with Greek yogurt. instead of buying sour cream, I have been substituting Greek yogurt for everything. Let me tell you the Greek in the BIG containers, is not as thick as the Greek in the small/individual fruit containers.
I still haven't replaced my breadmaker. Oh how I miss my breadmaker. But since the end of the breadmaker era, we have turned to wraps! and those sandwich thins. YUMMY!!!
I have discovered smoothies! I have made all types in the last month!
Need to work on meal planning!!!
GET IN SHAPE- I have exercised around the farm, shoveling, raking, gardening, but no actual workouts. Going to Florida in June and July and swimming, playing in the ocean, walking everywhere helps. I'm reading my fitness magazines that I subscribe to, SHAPE, Women's Health, Fitness. I bought a spiral notebook for the workouts I find in the magazines. I cut out the ones I like and glue them into the notebook! So I don't have to keep all the magazines.
READ MORE- According to my count I have read 22 books this year. And since I have been piling my magazines up in the floor for 4 months, if I counted 3 mags per month x 4 months = 12 mags I have read in the last week. But I have discovered iTunes U, and Podcasts on my iPhone. I have been reading about nutrition and exercise while on the go!
So I'm a little behind but still better then I thought I would be! I'm reading a new book by Carly Phillips "Perfect Fling" its funny, romantic and I love it!
BRAIN GAMES- I fell off this wagon. I play these at least once a week (the goal was 10 minutes per day). The "good" brain game apps require a monthly/annual subscription.
THINK, BE, ACT POSITIVE- I want to create a more positive life. Start thinking, being, acting more positive. This has worked great, trying to see the good in ALL situations. Sometimes its very tough to stay calm and positive. I think I have managed pretty well this year.
CRAFTS- We have found a few things off Pinterest, especially when it comes to the organizing projects. We have made soaps, arts and crafts and when we come back from vacation we will be working on our Halloween decorations and costumes!
MUSIC- I have practiced a little but not nearly enough. I LOVE my keyboard, I just need to plan better, or schedule time for me to play.
NO CHEMICALS- I have been doing a GREAT job of tackling this goal. I am slowly working our way to a chemical free house. We have made our own soap, laundry soap, kitchen cleaner, fabric softener, baby wipes, face wipes, facial toner. We are using up the last of the "store bought" cleaners, hopefully by the end of the year the cleaners will be gone.
GARDENING- I did have my own garden this year! I learned a lot from this. In my garden the "sister" gardening (planting corn, squash and pole beans together) did NOT work. The idea is the beans grow up the corn stalks, (so you don't have to put up poles) and the squash plant grows at the base to keep out the rabbits and critters. Well the beans took over the corn, and bent the stalks, so we have corn stalks but no corn! My tomato & pepper plants took FOREVER to take off (remember I started them inside, and transplanted them
week 2) once they were outside. My toms were about 6 inches tall when I planted them in May, they are just now producing some green toms!!!!
I have learned that creating a blog for all to see has made a huge impact in my life. Going through these goals with you guys makes the challenge all the greater. Being honest about what goals I have accomplished and failed makes me realize what I need to work on. I'm going strong, I am going to finish the year strong!
How are you doing with your goals? Have a great weekend!
Adyson Brittany and Jackie, painting Chicken's coop light purple. |