Friday, February 1, 2013

Week 5

This week was pretty busy. The husband was home plus home a few extra days. It always throws me off when he is home extra days! I LOVE him being home, but all I want to do is spend time with him and the family so my stuff doesn't get done. So when he does go, I spend the next couple days playing catch up. 

Last Friday we lost the freezer. So I was busy emptying the big freezer and organizing the kitchen freezer. I am proud to say I only lost 2 loaves of bread and 3 bags of carrots and 4 boxes of waffles. I was able to save ALL the meat from the big freezer. So because I was busy last week I feel I didn't give you guys a very good weekly blog. So I am going to rewind to last Monday.

Monday (Jan 21st) we went out to the pasture to feed animals and found 2 new additions. Mama goat had kids! I got 1 nanny(black & white head) & 1 billy (solid white).  So since we were under a winter weather advisory I had to get my butt in gear & go get pine chips, extra feed and a heat lamp. I set them up in Luke's dog house with Mama so they could have some peace and be warm in the cold weather.  You can click on the links below to watch some FUNNY videos of the farm!

Kids playing in yard

Kids in the yard

Luke and the goats

Adyson catching goats

Luke LOVES watching the kids play in HIS house. It actually funny to watch the "big bad" Doberman looking so sad into his house knowing that the kids have taken over! haha

So all last week was dealing with the new babies and playing with them. Adyson tries so hard to catch the kids, but they are too fast for her.

Then the freezer went on Thursday night/Friday morning. So busy, busy, busy here on the Appleby Farm.

On to this week... Sunday  we got 2 calves. Can't wait until they get older. We are trying to be self sufficient/sustaining. So we are raising these girls for slaughter/milk. So I would like you to meet Hamburgerella & Steaktessa. They are about 4 months old.

Quitting smoking- still going strong! I love not being tied down my anything. Don't have to worry about stopping to get smokes for the night/weekend, etc. 

Family Time- it didn't work out this week like I thought it would. Everyone seemed a little selfish this week. I have been watching Super Nanny on TV, and I am noticing , I think that my family is addicted to technology, we all have a cellphone, laptop and 2 out of 4 of us have NOOKs. Going to brainstorm on some ideas.

Organizing- Adyson's room will hopefully be this month. Still looking up ideas. Loving the ideas & colors in these pictures. So hopefully I will be able to pull it off. Adyson has so many cars and little toys and books I need lots of shelves for bins and books.

Eating Healthy- I had a few slips this week. One night we ate hotdogs and mac & cheese. But I dont have too many more boxes left so gotta eat whats here! I have been making my own bread & rolls (with the help of my breadmaker!) Loving have FRESH bread, my house smells great, I know whats in my bread!

Exercise- Been getting plenty of that! HAHA moving hay, pine chips, cedar chips, water buckets, etc haven't done anything extra, very disappointed in myself. 

Reading- I have been reading LOTS of gardening, homesteading, self sufficiency books. Right now I am reading THE WEEKEND HOMESTEADER. So far this has been helpful little tips, tricks to working your own land. Teaches how every animal has a job on the farm if you let that animal do it. 

Brain games-I'm addicted to Logic Games, it's a free app in the App Store. It's kind of like Sudoku.Can't forget my favorite app Sudoku!! Oh did I mention my 4 yr old is addicted to Flow Free. It's helping her match colors and use her brain to figure out the path, without crossing over another path! 


Positive thinking- its a challenge EVERYDAY to stay positive. I have learned NOTHING good comes from negative thinking. No matter how bad the issue, there is always a positive in there somewhere. 

Craft- I feel terrible about not doing a craft this month, means I am 1 down. For February we are going to be making Valentine cards and sending them out! 

Music- hasnt worked out this week either, with the new additions to the farm, BUT I am going to schedule in some music time for later today.

NO CHEMICALS- so far I haven't purchased any chemicals. I have 1 bottle of laundry soap left and then I will be making my own! I can't wait. Making my own bread & rolls along with coffee creamer! 

Gardening- My African Violets seem to be doing well. No sign yet whether they will sprout or not yet. It takes 4-6 weeks, but I am hopeful.  The little green house I started has got nice strong plants. I transplanted all of them to bigger pots last Saturday. So they should be good until its time to plant them in the ground in April!

Adyson at story time

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