I use this time of year to replace/upgrade Adyson's stash of coloring stuff, and my craft bin :) I can always use glue sticks ($0.23 for a 4 pack of glue), stickers (Not to mention if you have little ones packets of paper for coloring, crayons, markers , etc) AND save money doing it cause you are getting everything on clearance!!!
So I bought Adyson a few little things that we will use when we play school. She loves playing school. So I also bought her a few dry erase boards.
I have started a Halloween board on Pinterest I can't wait to try some things with Adyson this year. She is really getting into the crafts this year. I think I'm going to do the Floating Ghost with her first. You use cheese cloth and spray it with starch and it dries hard. You can see it on my Pinterest board.
Well the hubby is home this weekend and he was nice enough to weed whack the strawberry patch. I have June bearing strawberries so my plants are already done producing. So we whack them down to about 2 inches tall. I thin them out, I pull the small/weak plants out, add some good dirt and mulch to the top of them for the fall/winter season.
My vegetable garden id done producing. So next time hubby comes home we are going to till it up and turn it into the compost patch for the fall/winter.
So this last week it was decided that Brittany shoudl start cooking dinner 2 times per week. So she understands and reads recipes, can measure properly, the costs of foods, but mainly spending time with her in the kitchen. She is learning to read labels on the packages, (your different cuts of meats, chicken etc)It was fun watching her learn. I'm very proud of her! I can't wait until next week! This week she made chicken wings and salad! It was also YUMMY!!!!! I'm going to try REALLY hard not to burn things, in my house its a running joke that when the smoke alarms go off dinner is ready!
Brittany has also decided she wanted to play Powder Puff Football!!!! We are so excited for her. I miss going to games (she was a cheerleader in 6th and 8th grade).
My daughter is the one wearing JEANS, when its 90+ degrees outside. She was told she wasn't suppose to play, BUT she did. Proud of her for being a trooper! You can watch her practices on my YouTube channel. The links are below!
Brittany practice
Brittanys practice 2
Brittany Practice 3
In prepping for the fall and winter season I was looking around the internet and books for my favorite recipes for the SLOW COOKER!!! I don't know what it is about the slower cooker in the fall and winter, but I love it. I have subscribed to The Test Kitchen of Melissa Fallis blog. I LOVE how she makes everything simple, and gives a grocery list and all for her freezer meals. Thanks so much Melissa! I can't wait to try the recipes!
I was also watching Dr. Oz(it was a rerun from last season) BUT he talked about the flu season coming and the vitamins we should be on the look out for! We all know vitamin C helps boost our system but there are a few others. Vitamin D, B6, B12. So I am looking for foods that have these little goodies in them! Good food sources of vitamin B6 include brewer's yeast, bananas, cereal grains, legumes, vegetables (especially carrots, spinach and peas), potatoes, milk, cheese, eggs, fish and sunflower seeds. For B12, fish(salmon, tuna, cod) crab lobster beef cheese eggs. Some foods with vitamin D salmon, eggs, milk, tuna yogurt. You can read more WebMD
We are doing great with eating healthy. Almost all the "cravings" for junk is gone. I have replaced the junk with healthy versions. I'm eating more hummus and salsa now instead of your typical sour cream dips (french onion, ranch). I'm adding stuff to meals like flaxseed to my smoothies, mashed potatoes, yogurt. The least you can do is TRY something, that's what I tell my kids!
Loving the apps I have found in the App Store. Ab workouts, Leg workouts, Arm workouts. I finally got my SHAPE and Fitness magazines. So I've been busy cutting out new workouts and adding them to my spiral notebook. I have also found 2 workout shows on TV, Classical Stretch and Body Electric. They come on pretty early but I DVR them and watch them when I want :)
READING- I loved The Lightning Thief!!!!! TO me is was similar to Harry Potter. But this is one of my favorite genres!!!! Trying to decide what to read next....
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See everyone next week!!!!